Bankrupt and bankruptcy restrictions

As mentioned previously in another blog on Critical Thinking - Part 3 ( it looks like I am going to be quite involved with this case. The more I probe into this case the more there is to probe.

For now, I have confirmed that Goh Su Khung’s status as of now is that of a bankrupt.

The order for bankruptcy was made on 11.12.2014 and the petitioner is Sunway VCP Sdn Bhd.
Now this opens up many questions in my mind. Here are some extracts from the internet which I have to think about.

What are bankruptcy restrictions?
You can’t be the director of a limited company, and you can’t play a part in running a company without a court’s permission.
Breaking these restrictions can be a criminal offence, and could lead to a fine or imprisonment in extreme cases. You could also get a bankruptcy restriction undertaking or order, which makes the restrictions last longer.

Aside from that, you are not allowed to be involved in the business (whether as a director, part of the management or as an employee) of any business run by your spouse, children, or relatives. 

My comments: There are many other matters that have to be thought about but for now, just based on the above I ask myself a few questions including:
i.                     How GSK acted as Advisor of Underground Management Services Sdn Bhd (UGMS)?
ii.                   I have proof that GSK was running the whole show at least in December 2014 when I was still working with him. (More on this later)
iii.                  GSK was the one who took me to Ronny Cham and Co in 2015 and introduced me to Ronny Cham the boss of that legal firm. We had discussions together on at least two occasions.
iv.                 GSK was the man who took me with him on several occasions to Alex Siew and Co.
v.                   GSK is the one who paid my ‘wages’ from his own pocket for a minimum of 4 months including December 2014. (This can be a subject for discussion).

A question to which I have no answer is whether the lawyers who handled the case have committed an offence by not asking if GSK has permission from the court to act for UGMS. Will try and find this out from my friend YB Liew Vui Keong.


Luqman Michel said…
I have just written to Ronny Cham and hope he will oblige.

Hello Ronny,
As you were the first lawyer Goh Su Khung and I visited when
UGMS and GSK wanted to sue Salcon, I am writing to you to request
your assistance.

Please give me your comments on my blog post this morning at

You may also read my post in another blog two days ago,

Your comments will be very welcome.
Luqman Michel

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