SPRM (MACC) and Vistana Heights


Someone asked me how the MACC is involved in the Vistana Heights case if I don’t have any proof that corruption is involved.

That is an excellent question. We all assume that corruption is only when a bribe is involved. However, a closer look at the brochure from the MACC shows the following: 


                                                         Please click on the image above.

i.                    Abuse of power that induces a person to influence the person’s decision-making.

ii.                  Submission of documents containing false particulars/details.

iii.               Abuse of office/position.

The attached letter in my previous post signed by the deputy director of Land & Survey, Enc. S. Dzulkarnain S. Abdillah says the following:

‘Please be informed that the Board is still looking into your complaint about the as-built survey plans for Taman Puncak Vistana, Iramanis due to further verification from the authority.’

Who is the authority that influenced the decision-making of the Land and Survey Board of directors? Who can influence the decision of the directors of L&S?

To put it in perspective don’t forget that my complaint to LJS was made in December 2022. Eight directors of LJS witnessed the survey conducted by the surveyor in June 2023. LINK

Are the directors saying they can’t decide if the as-built survey was fabricated? 

This is an abuse of the office/position by a government servant.

The Board of Architects Malaysia (LAM) is a Government agency that was informed of false particulars (Fabricated as-built survey plan) submitted to LJS and DBKK to obtain the occupancy certificate. I inquired if the architect, the principal submitting officer, submitting documents to the authorities is responsible for all documents submitted to the authority. They have remained silent. Who is influencing the decision of the Board?

LPPB, the land owner has refused to meet with the house owners despite several requests.

If we have such officers in our Government Agencies how is Sabah to progress?


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