
Showing posts from January, 2023

Freedom of information

  Ex- Sabah ministers may be grilled. The above is the front page headline in today’s Daily Express. The following is a statement that caught my eye. ‘Daily Express learnt that they (ex-ministers) can expect to be grilled into what they knew but failed to act or what role they may have even played or gained from the alleged conspiracy to defraud Sabahans of millions of ringgit…’ This then made me think about a statement the spokesman of LPPB made. He said, ‘This development (Vistana Heights) was supervised by engineers and approved by management who have retired.’

Latent defects - Housing Tribunal

  This morning I received a WhatsApp message about a developer in West Malaysia being ordered by   the Housing Tribunal to pay compensation to house buyers. You may read the FMT article here .  I went to the Housing Tribunal at Wisma Tun Fuad opposite Karamunsing Complex. An officer there said that he will make an appointment for me to meet the legal officer who is stationed at the Ministry of Local Government and Housing at Wisma Innoprise. I met the legal officer on 9.1.2023. The officer listened to me for about 20 minutes or so and jotted down a few points in her hand book. Then she said that since the defect liability period is over, the Tribunal will not be able to assist.

Vistana Height and conscience

  Yesterday, I heard an emotional talk by Jordan Peterson on secret to overcome chaos . Here are a few of the salient points that touched me. We have a divine responsibility. If we don’t act according to our conscience, if we don’t do the things we are supposed to do or if we fail to do the things we are supposed to do our conscience tortures us and tells you that you are not acting in accordance with the central spirit of your being. The truth is what makes the world go around. When you engage in truthful speech, when you say what you have to say, when you do what you say you would do, everything around you works out better. But, if you don’t do that you make things worse. My thoughts as I listened to the above:

DBKK - Anti Corruption Plan

  The article below appeared in the Daily Express today - 11.1.2023. I like to believe that this, at least partly, is because of my numerous emails to DBKK, LPPB, Mayor and ministers.  With the new government under DSAI I believe corruption will be reduced if not eradicated.