My Email to Rosemary Ahping and Della E. Sinidol of LPPB


                                                         Rosemary Ahping - GM of LPPB

luqman michel <>
Tue, 15 Nov at 09:57
Dear Ma'am,
I refer to my email dated 31.10.2022 and especially the following paragraph:
I, on behalf of some of the owners of houses at Vistana Height Phase 1 would like to have a meeting among you, Topwira Corporation Sdn. Bhd, the management of Vistana Heights and any other concerned parties, as soon as possible.


It is already half a month since my email.

I understand there had been a delay in organising the meeting, which now, finally is scheduled for 17.11.2022, as Mr. Andy Osman was unable to contact the developer.

Since all the concerned parties will be at the meeting this  17.11.2022, I, on behalf of some of the house owners, fervently request that you would kindly assist in fixing a date for a meeting within one week from the 17th of November, where we could meet all concerned parties.

I have been talking and writing to the developer's directors since December* 2020. I had then tried in vain to discuss matters with the engineers and architect. The engineers and the architect have consistently asked me to deal with the developer. I then approached and discussed matters with DBKK officers and they too have directed me to the developer. It was then that a few of the house owners and I decided to contact LPPB.

Ma'am, we hope the buck stops here and will not necessitate us to escalate this matter.

We request you to please organise a meeting with the developer and the professionals involved in the project within one week from your meeting on 17.11.2022.

Thank you and kind regards,
Luqman Michel
 * This should read January 2020 and not December 2020.
The following is my email to LPPB on 31.10.2022
On Monday, 31 October 2022 at 15:25:02 GMT+8, luqman michel <> wrote:

Dear Ma’am,

I met up with your Puan Zaliezah Raskan this morning and explained to her my concern about the construction of Vistana Heights Phase 1. She said that she is aware of my email to

I have been informed by officers at DBKK that the only approved Development Plan in their office is the DP dated 27.11.2006 that was handed over to me. The no Siri is DP/002/11.06.

I was informed by your Puan Zaliezah Raskan at this morning’s meeting that she also knows of only the DP dated 27.11.2006.

The above DP is different from the DP attached to the S&P agreement provided to my son Faisal Luqman on the purchase of house no. 15 (S9).

The DP shows the road at 100’ and the car porch to be 101’. However, the existing road and car porch are not consistent with the approved DP.

There is no retaining wall constructed behind houses No S10 downwards to house no S1. Kindly confirm if there was a retention wall designed or otherwise. A steep fall of more than 20 feet without a retention wall looks precarious.

I, on behalf of some of the owners of houses at Vistana Height Phase 1 would like to have a meeting among you, Topwira Corporation Snd. Bhd, the management of Vistana Heights and any other concerned parties, as soon as possible.

Attached, please find emails to Topwira Corporation Sdn. Bhd and the management company.

Relevant emails to the engineer, architect and DBKK may be found in my blog posts at

I have also forwarded a detailed email with attachments to DBKK and other relevant parties including Topwira Corporation Sdn. Bhd.

Please confirm receipt of this email.

Thank you and kind regards,

Luqman Michel



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