The hurdle race

Yesterday a Facebook friend had posted an article captioned ‘Another proof that Malays are not lazy or stupid'. I personally know of many in each race in Malaysia who are intelligent and hardworking as well as stupid and lazy and as such I cannot accept that any particular race is stupid or lazy. I believe it is the politicians in our country who make a certain race ‘stupid and lazy’ for some advantage they gain by keeping this race ‘stupid and lazy’. As an analogy let us take a hurdle race. Let us say there are two categories of people (category A and category B) taking part in the race every year. In the first year A beats B. The authorities decide to raise the hurdle of A and reduce the hurdle of B. In the next year despite the hurdles being raised for A and lowered for B, A still beats B. The hurdle is again raised for A and lowered for B. This goes on until the hurdle cannot be raised any higher nor lowered any lower. Now, what is the motivation...