Bankruptcy restrictions (Part 2)
The following are extracted from the internet. The sole
purpose of these posts is for sharing what I have unearthed from the internet
in the process of doing my probe.This is for educational purposes only.
Continuing from where we left off;
Continuing from where we left off;
Being a bankrupt limits some of your rights and disqualifies you from certain positions. are not allowed to be involved in the business (whether as a director, part of the management or as an employee) of any business run by your spouse, children, or relatives.
Now, I have to run to ROC (in the case of Lions it was ROS) to
get more information. I believe I know what I need to know but when it comes to
legal case I better get confirmation. Will this information be useful for my case? I don't think so but better to be equipped with extra knowledge. On second thoughts this may be relevant....
Hypothetically speaking, what if a bankrupt thinks that legal action cannot be taken against him because he is a bankrupt and therefore signs a document agreeing to pay one at a later date. He gets one to do all his bidding and after completion of work reneges on his promise. Isn't there a law against this? This is an angle worth exploring.
Hypothetically speaking, what if a bankrupt thinks that legal action cannot be taken against him because he is a bankrupt and therefore signs a document agreeing to pay one at a later date. He gets one to do all his bidding and after completion of work reneges on his promise. Isn't there a law against this? This is an angle worth exploring.
Limited legal proceedings – aside from an action for damages related to personal injury, you are not allowed to commence any legal proceedings without prior approval from the DGI.
Not relevant for my case. But just thinking aloud, would a lawyer be at fault if he takes instruction from a bankrupt? This is another matter to check out just for information of my readers.
Submission of accounts – you are required to submit an accounting of your income and expenditures once every 6 months and report all monies/properties that come into your possession if they exceed RM500.
This information is relevant and extremely important for me but please let me abstain from elaborating.
I am still awaiting information from my lawyer who said he will attempt to get the order/judgement from the court.