Bankruptcy restrictions (Part 3)

I managed to get the Annual Returns from ROC this morning. The daughter of Goh Su Khung - Amy Goh Ke Xin was the director and shareholder of UGMS in 2015. That is the year in which Goh had asked me to go with him to the lawyers offices.

In the annual returns of the company for 2016 the shareholders and directors have changed. The name of the company has also been changed.

I have now discovered that there are a number of things that are against the insolvency regulations.

He was working full time in UGMS in 2015 when I helped him with the court case and later when I was employed as his supervisor to do site supervision. 

Salary was paid to me by him personally.

As a bankrupt he had acted as advisor of UGMS and gave me a letter saying that he will pay me 30% of the money awarded by the court as my fee.

1.       We went to 5 lawyers and negotiated with them about taking legal action against Salcon Engineering Bhd. Finally after many months he engaged Alex Siew and Co. The act says: aside from an action for damages related to personal injury, a bankrupt is not allowed to commence any legal proceedings without prior approval from the DGI. 
2.       His latest address stated in the statement from Insolvency Department is not correct. As early as middle of 2014 the house at No 29, Taman Golf View was lived in by his manager and family. Goh had moved to an apartment in or around One Borneo.
3.       Section 57 of the Act says that the DGI is empowered to order the bankrupt to put a portion of his salary to debt repayment. This was not done.
4.       The act says that a bankrupt is required to submit an accounting of his income and expenditures once every 6 months and report all monies/properties that come into his possession if they exceed RM500. Surely, if he can pay me Rm2500 per month from his pocket then he should have reported this matter to the DGI.
5.       Where did his daughter Amy Goh Ke Xin ic no. 891015-12-5896 get the money to buy shares of 300,000 in UGMS when she was still a student or had just started working?
6.       In whose name is the house in One Borneo bought under?
7.       The act says; the bankrupt shall not, except with the previous permission of the Director General of Insolvency or of the court, engage in the management or control of any business carried on by or on behalf of, or be in the employment of, any of the following persons, namely-
           (i)     his spouse;
           (ii)     a lineal ancestor or a lineal descendant of his or a spouse of such ancestor or 
             descendant; or….

             Did GSK get the permission of the DGI to work in the company where his daughter was shareholder and director?

8.      I believe Goh went to Australia at the end of 2014 or 2015.


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