Reply from Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM)
I wrote to PAM Sabah and did not receive a reply. So, I wrote to Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia on 29.8.2022 and received a response on 14.10.2022 as follows:
Professional Practice Committee <>
Fri, 14 Oct 2022 at 10:52
Dear Mr. Luqman,
We refer to your query as received on the 29th August 2022 and would reply as follows:
1. Please accept our apologies for the delay in replying. The delay though was a result of our trying to obtain a bit more information regarding the technical issues behind your query.
2. Based on the information received from PAM's Sabah Chapter, we understand that the Architect in question has already provided his findings and replied to the Developer regarding the issues which you have highlighted. Under normal circumstances, we would advise that you pursue your queries as such, with the Developer or the local authority tasked with control of the construction of the property.
3. We have also been led to understand that there is a current, legal dispute between yourself and the Developer. Apart from not being able to comment based on the information we have received, we hope you understand that we are also unable to add any further advice lest it may be misconstrued as interference within the above-mentioned dispute.
E: W:
Don’t forget that this is a professional body. It is really absurd that I should receive such an irresponsible answer from them.
PAM Sabah did not respond to my email but gave a reply to PAM KL.
Why did the architect not respond to me?
What were my questions that could not be answered by the Arkitek LYS or PAM (S) or PAM KL?
1. Is there a maximum gradient for the driveway that an architect/ engineer should adhere to?
2. Sir, are architects not responsible for design faults?
3. Are architects not responsible for wrong construction of driveways that are not in accordance with original drawings?
I wrote to them only because there were no responses from the developer, engineers or the architect.
What information is lacking in answering any of the 3 questions above?
What has the legal dispute on Liquidated Assessment Damages (LAD) which is claiming of payment for late delivery of the house got to do with my questions?
How stupid do these professionals think we are?
Someone, please tell me how a court case on LAD can be used as an excuse not to answer simple questions listed above.