Emails to the mayor

 I wrote several emails to the mayor and not one was replied.

Perhaps the ‘Perintah Am’ which stated that correspondences to government servants must be replied to within two weeks is outdated and not applicable anymore. Not one of my emails to DBKK, LPPB and the Mayor was ever replied.

Here is my last email to the Mayor.

luqman michel <>

Mon, 12 Jun at 08:47

Dear Datuk Mayor,

I hope you will get an extension of your post as mayor of Kota Kinabalu.

As mentioned to you in my email dated 23.2.2023, the driveway extensions are a hazard to other road users.

Moreover, if these extensions are not demolished then other house owners will do something similar, as this would have caused precedence.

As mentioned by Mr. Stanley Chong of the Ministry of local government and Housing at the meeting on 10.3.2023:


·         The road ‘Lorong Puncak Vistana 1’ has not been handed over to DBKK.


·         DBKK has not taken over the road as per 'Borang A/RD 26.4.2019 where Enc. Saiman Angak, the engineer of DBKK, wrote: ' The road to be handed over to DBKK 1 year after OC being issued.' It is now more than 3 years since OC was issued. I believe the road cannot be handed over to DBKK until these issues are resolved.


·         The bank guarantee/performance bond by the developer has not been refunded to the developer.


·         Mr. Chong instructed the developer to resurface Lorong Puncak Vistana 1 to enable cars to access the house porches.


Read more on my blog at

Kindly ensure that the road is either resurfaced by the developer or DBKK uses the performance bond money to resurface the road. This will resolve the issue of the extended driveways.

Kindly acknowledge receipt of this email.

I wish you well,

Luqman Michel


Note: If the road is not handed over to DBKK and if the road is damaged and the residents want to have a meeting with the developer; the developer will ask:

i.                     For the meeting to be held in a hotel meeting room and rental paid by the house owners.

ii.                   For consultants attending the meeting to be paid by the house owners.

iii.                 For reporters to be accompanied by us to the meeting.

iv.                 Goodness knows what else.

In view of the above, it is better resolved before the mayor retires. Otherwise, the new mayor will have to go through the file from the beginning. That will be a waste of public funds.


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