I complained to the Board of Engineers about the consulting engineer of Vistana Heights on 23.2.2023 and to-date, 13.6.2023, have yet to receive a reply on the results of their investigation. The following are the email correspondences to and fro. On 23.2.2023 I emailed the Board of Engineers as follows: luqman michel <luqmanm2002@yahoo.co.uk> To: Professional Practice Department Cc: MISHANA SAPAR , IRMA MUDEWI ZAINUL DIN , enquiry@bem.org.my Thu, 23 Feb at 16:16 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your response. I attach herewith the form duly completed. The supporting documents attached are: 1. The original development plan. 2. As-built survey. 3. Amended development plan. 4. Explanation 5. Driveway of S9 (Lot15) 6. Driveway of S11 (Lot 17) 7. Sales & Purchase agreement between my son, Faisal Luqman and the developer. (Sent in another email) Thank you and kind regards, Luqman Michel